Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Taking the leap...

There is something you should know about me. You know how I seem fearless, confident and unaffected? Well those things are SOOOOO not me.  I spend much of life terrified, disappointed, and altogether insecure. I maintain a pretty good facade but truth be told-I am a bit of a mess.

I have so many dreams. To run a marathon, be a healthy weight, write a book, make this blog a success, go back to school...My head swirls with ambition but I seem to be a toe dipper at this stage in life.You know what I mean. When I should be diving into the pool, head first, ready to commit , I dabble. I dip a toe and see how it feels, maybe even a foot, and then I retreat.  I wrap up in a familiar towel and retire to my comfort zone. 

So it goes for my newest venture. I love photography. I greatly enjoy photographing my children and secretly feel pretty good about my talents in this area. I have long been considering starting a small photography business. I don't want a studio or anything, I would simply like to take pictures of families and their children in nice outdoor settings.  I love the process. The snapping, the editing, turning ordinary pictures into art...

But the voices start...what if you aren't any good? What if people aren't happy? What if someone realizes you are not a "trained" photographer? Worst of all, what if you are a joke? What if everyone sees you fail? What if you disappoint "them"? Oh the unnamed them, always meddling in my business...

I hate these voices. They have followed me my whole life. They have done a great job of keeping me from failing...but at what cost? They have also kept me from trying...

I am tired of dipping my toes, it is time to leap...but where to jump...and how???

Have you followed a dream, big or small? How did you take that first step? How did it turn out for you? Please share below!

1 comment:

  1. Love your insight and honest sharing from your heart. You definitely have a gift for taking pictures. Start with baby steps and soon you will be on your way to a fulfilling endeavor.
